08 November 2006

The First Thing Is Decision

What do YOU think is the first thing you should do before giving up smoking weed?

I get asked this question a lot and I appreciate it can appear daunting with all of the different methods and information out there on the internet. When I directly answer this question I always feel that my answer isn't what that person wants to hear.

You see I respond and tell them that this first stage to giving up smoking is making a decision. Sound's simple enough? Right? Well you would think so. But a lot of people DON'T actually make that decision, they decide they want to give up smoking for whatever reason but they DON'T actually want to be free from smoking forever. They say to themselves "I want to smoke again" or "I'll give up for a little bit now, and then smoke again in a few months" and even "I don't really want to stop because I enjoy it, but I want to stop because I don't have much money at the moment".

People who use these EXCUSES will not give up.

They have already condemned themselves to failure before they have even started. You see if you are not 100% definite about giving up, then it simply will not happen. You have to want it more than anything for it to happen for you. If you are half hearted about it, or if you are undecided whether or not you truly want to give up then it simply will not happen for you.

There is science behind this madness, and what I am bringing this conversation towards is self-talk. What you say to yourself in your own mind. You see, everyone talks to themselves. But it is what we are saying to ourselves over and over and over and over again that is causing us to keep doing what we are doing.

More on this subject in the next few days...

If you want to quit smoking - you will, if you don't want to quit - you won't.

Gary Evans

25 October 2006

Why Do You Keep Relapsing?

Have you ever wondered why you keep relapsing?

Why you are unable to give up smoking instantly?

What exactly is creating the cravings and withdrawal symptoms?

How come EVERYONE doesn't get the same symptoms that you do?

Why do non-smokers not become addicted to smoking when they inhale your second hand smoke?

Here are some interesting questions you should consider to ask yourself. I am not about to tell you what you should or shouldn't be doing. That is your decision and your choice. No one can help you if you don't want help. Fact is, I used to be a weed smoker and since I have given it up, life has been great!

You see the majority of people who try and give up end up failing because they are giving up using willpower. Well, lets break that down a bit. Willpower is deciding to do something against what you desire.

In fact that is so important, I am going to write it again ... willpower is deciding to do something against what you desire.

When you try and do something against what you truly desire you are creating more stress for yourself because you feel like you are missing out on something. Is stress what you need in your life?? NO!

Stress is a trigger to smoke!! So, you give up, create more stress for yourself and wonder why you couldn't resist the cravings???? It's simple when you break it down.

What is the best way to give up smoking? Get rid of cravings. Focus upon that. If you have no cravings, you will have no problems. There are various methods to stop cravings of all kinds outlined in the Cannabis Guide System. One of these methods is EFT also known as Emotional Freedom Technique. Leon Jay over at EFT-Therapy has a great stop smoking cigarette guide which I think is an absolute must read if your serious about packing in the puff. Click the link below to taken directly to the guide.

Stop Smoking with EFT Guide

Until next time ...

11 October 2006

Cannabis Coaching

How would you like be have professional coaching from a marijuana expert? Got your attention?

I will be holding personal 1 on 1 private coaching sessions to help YOU give up smoking marijuana once and for good. I remember exactly what it was like to try and give up, I remember the thoughts that go through your mind and exactly how hard it is to "try" and give up only to end up relapsing soon after you've started.

Well I have worked very hard to find the most effective way to give up smoking. I found the best way that worked for me and learnt some extremely powerful information that was hidden from me and the rest of the smoking community. Fact is, it is not marijuana that is addictive, it is all down to you and it is all your own fault. Now, you may not like to hear that but when you spend some time thinking about it there is absolutely no denying it.

So I have decided to do my best and help people give up smoking marijuana once and for good! I will be holding cannabis coaching sessions in order to coach you through every step of the way, from what you should do before you quit to how you can cope with cravings and withdrawals. You will also be given a powerful "secret" that was opened to me when I was giving up smoking and it completely changed my life. I wouldn't be here right now talking to you if I hadn't of learnt this secret and now it is time for you to learn it also.

I will be giving away 100% free cannabis coaching sessions to the first 10 people to signup for this service. So if you think this is something you need or could really benefit from then please signup using the following link:


It will change your life forever!

All my best,

04 October 2006

Placebo Effects

Do you still smoke marijuana regularly???

Ask YOURSELF something important today.

Why do you still smoke? ....

  • Is it because you think you're addicted to smoking?

  • Do you smoke because you like it?

  • Is it because that's who you are and what you do?

  • Maybe it's because it keeps you calm?

  • Now ask yourself another question.
    Remember back to the very first time you tried marijuana.

    Did you crave to smoke then, like you do now??? ....

    No? Yes? If you are anything like me then the answer is a definite No.

    Well this is something for you to ponder on today and try to find out why you really have become addicted to smoking marijuana. You never smoked like this before, so why do you do it now? What EXACTLY is it that makes you THINK you have to smoke today?

    Remember it is all in your mind. Ever wondered how a hypnotherapist manages to stop someone smoking in just a one hour session? Well it has got everything to do with the conscious and unconscious mind and what it believes as true. You might be saying that hypnosis doesn't work for you or you believe it doesn't work for you. Well you are right - it won't work for you if you don't believe it. You see the trick is believing it.

    Do you remember what a placebo is? For those of you who don't know - a placebo is something like a sugar pill which has absolutely no medical or chemicals inside of it. Yet it is given to a patient and they are told that it will help them recover from their problem. If the person believed it was real medication then the healing effects would often turn out to be remarkable and in most cases it was more effective than taking actual medication to heal the problem.

    What does this tell us? Well the mind controls more than you know about. What you believe becomes a reality for you. If you believe you will be an addict for the rest of your life then guess what - you will. You need to shift your thoughts and change them into positives. That is what Cannabis Addicts is focusing on, how you can change your mind and thoughts to become positive! So that you won't actually
    desire marijuana anymore.

    Consider what I have wrote today and if it interests you then get off of your backside and research it. Prove me that I am wrong if you want to. Or confirm that I am right. I know the truth, but do you?

    If Placebo was a drug, they would no doubt be pure heroin - dangerous, mysterious and totally addictive.

    Brian Molko

    20 September 2006

    Should cannabis be legalized?

    This is a hot debate that is discussed frequently.

    Should cannabis be legalized?
    Personally my views on the matter is absolutely yes. I was recently directed to a marijuana campaign currently in development which was campaigning for the legalization of the drug.

    Why? Because we are uncertain as to what we are actually smoking, how many of us are smoking it and why we smoke it. There is no way to govern it's usage because it is part of the black market. The government is loosing out on a taxable resource, it's users are loosing out by not knowing what pesticides are being used or even the strength of the harvest.

    We just don't know what we are smoking/eating/consuming!

    When it is put like that, it is so true. How many of you can remember having a bad smoke? Some brown looking weed? Something just didn't taste right or normal when you got your last bag off of your dealer. This is frequent occurrence and something that I would like to see change. Dealers generally don't care and don't know where the marijuana is coming from, they don't know how it was grown, what level of pesticides were used and what conditions it was grown in. There could be anything in the soil for all you know. And because there is a huge market for marijuana, the drug dealers just couldn't care less for your health! As long as they keep making their bucks that is all that matters to them.

    Think about it for a moment. Unless you grow your own supply do you know exactly what the history is of those buds you possess?

    Let me know what you think on this matter. Click on the comments button below and let me know your views. If you want more information about the campaign I have spoke about in this blog then feel free to email me.
    gary at cannabisaddicts dot com

    I think that marijuana should not only be legal, I think it should be a cottage industry. It would be wonderful for the state of Maine. There's some pretty good homegrown dope. I'm sure it would be even better if you could grow it with fertilizers and have greenhouses.

    Stephen King

    16 September 2006

    Why do you smoke marijuana?

    Here's a question for you to think about today, why do you smoke marijuana?

    Can you remember the first time you smoked it? Can you remember how much you smoked and how much you needed to get high?

    I'm guessing it didn't take much to get you high the first few times you smoked it. This is because the THC receptors in your brain had never been exposed to cannabis before. And the first time you took a few hits, these THC receptors went crazy! Loads of the little blighters became activated and sent you into an oblivion of stonerism.

    How much do you have to smoke now to get you to that same high way back then? Or can't you experience the same highs any more?

    You see I'm betting when you started to smoke marijuana you never thought it would be an every day event in your life. Maybe you thought that it was a great way to relax and that you wanted to do it on weekends when you don't have the distractions of work. Or perhaps you decided to do it once or twice a week but limit yourself to doing it in the evenings when you don't have any commitments to fulfil.

    Well, this is how I started out. Smoking only a very little bit at the weekends. I was so quickly chasing that same high that I first experienced and kept wanting more. Sometimes I would make myself sick by smoking too much and other times I couldn't smoke enough.

    It soon turned into a daily event, and then bi daily and sometimes even worse than that. I would smoke on the way to work some mornings just because I thought I couldn't relax myself naturally and the only way to do it was by having a morning joint. I am sure some of you have been through this before and maybe done even worse.

    My point is, it really doesn't take long to form the habit of smoking regularly. But it appears to be such a hard habit to break.

    What did you used to do before you smoke weed?
    What would you have done yesterday or the day before that if you didn't smoke pot?
    What things do you want to accomplish in your life but cannabis holds you back from doing it?
    When will you stop smoking marijuana?
    Or do you think it is part of you?
    Is it part of your lifestyle now because you take enjoyment from it?
    What were you thinking about the last time your stash ran out and you couldn't get anymore that day?

    These are just some of the questions I think you should be asking yourself. But most importantly ... is it worth it? Is it really worth it?

    Do you experience any negatives from smoking marijuana? If you do then review the questions above and make a decision. Cannabis addict or cannabis free. It's your choice at the end of the day, no one is going to force you to quit and no one can change your life unless you want to do it. CannabisAddicts.com is here to support you but we can only do our job if you do yours.

    Have a beautiful day everyone!

    Do you have something to say about today's blog? Click on the comments button below.

    12 September 2006

    The Beginning ...

    A big hello there to all of my readers!

    There has been a lot of blog madness in the world recently and I wanted to get involved in it. So I've picked out this nice design and will be posting my weekly comments and inspirational "pick-me-up's" to try and encourage you to give up your marijuana addictions.

    Today's a special day for me because I have unleashed some real value for all of you today. CannabisAddicts.com got a massive update earlier and I've added a new service to further help you overcome your mental addictions.

    Presenting ...... the 1 on 1 Support System ......... I really am excited about this service because of the emense value it will bring to future members and to our current members right now. In a nutshell the 1 on 1 Support System is a database driven ticket system, where all members will be able to simply post a message/question or request some additional advice and help and within 12hours one of the Cannabis Addicts support team will respond to them with the appropriate information.

    All of the experts who will be running this system are all rehabiliated marijuana users. So who else better is there to answer your questions? You've heard the "been there, done that" expression before, well this is a perfect example.

    Visit the following link to gain more information about the 1 on 1 Support System.

    If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.

    Napoleon Hill

    Don't forget to check out the new changes at www.cannabisaddicts.com.